Yeshua’s Blood Covenant
of Marriage
To His Bride
I will never leave you or forsake you.
There is nothing that you can do
That will cause Me
To turn My back on you.
There is nothing you can do
That will stop Me from loving you.
Your unfaithfulness
Does not beget My unfaithfulness.
Your abandonment
Does not beget My abandonment.
If you go whoring after another
I will still be faithful to you.
I will cry out to My Father for you,
For I am a jealous God
I will chasten you,
Give you cause to Fear Me and repent!
But I will forgive you!
Because My relationship
with you
Does not depend
On your performance,
But on what I Said and did!!!
ABBA Father says
I gave you My Son, Yeshua
For your Bridegroom!
He came to earth to fulfill
His Holy Vow to you,
I not only witnessed the
New Covenant He made
With His own Blood,
But I wept at His great love for you,
And for Me,
I had to turn away for awhile
As He willingly took on Your Sin
And became Sin for you,
Sin killed His body and sent Him to hell!
But I turned again knowing your Sin could not hold Him
And then watched Him rise from the grave,
Empowered by My Holy Spirit
Living within Him;
So that He through His physical death
Could Fulfill this promise to you:
” I AM the Resurrection and the Life,
Anyone who believes in Me
Though he die, will live again for eternity! “
Yeshua came in the flesh
So He could die in the flesh, in order to demonstrate
My unfailing love for you
By totally destroying Satan’s power over you
Once and for all.
He became the antidote to Sin.
You too can throw a monkey wrench into Satan’s plans by
Acknowledging that I am God, and you are not, you are my child
Repent when you get out of step by Obeying what I say!
Lay down your worldly desires
Do it for His Holy Name’s sake.
I’ve also given you My Holy Spirit
He will empower you to walk in high places with Me
In My Righteousness & Resurrection Power
That Lives In You!
Your children and the world
Are watching,
Which kind of love will you
Emulate to them?
An Eye for an Eye like the world does?
My Way, which is a much higher Way
by Forgiving and Loving Unconditional those who have
offended or wounded your heart beyond repair so I can not only forgive You
But heal you of your Transgressions that you have done to Others”
Yeshua poured out His love towards all men.
This kind of Love He freely gives you.
If you LOVE ME you will do as a I say
Love one another like yourself,
especially your One-flesh covenant spouse!
The court’s of men have no real power
Over a Blood bought child of mine,
Unless you give them this kind of power!
Really know this!
Come eat of My flesh,
And drink of My Blood,
In Holy intimacy with Me
Don’t trample in it!
That means lay down your life for His Names Sake
Forgive so I can forgive you
Do it out of Love for Me
Out of love for your Children,
And their Children,
And also for those
Who don’t know Me yet.
Love your enemies
For they know not what they do.
Fight evil like you never fought before!
Others will know you by this
Kind of Love that’s living within you
And they will come looking for it!
This Kind of Love
Can only come from knowing
Me intimately
Not all will be able to accept this
Or be able able to walk on
This Ancient Kingdom Path with ME
Only to those to whom I have chosen.
( Jeremiah 6:16 )
And to whom it has been given.
Look for My coming, My Bride!
Be fully awake and ready for My return
Which is very soon now!