To My Dearest One
The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite heart,
which I will not despise.
I am with you my child even in your darkest hours
You are never alone, though you often feel that you are.
I live in you, I have taken up my abode in you.
You are living in Me, and for Me now.
Continue on as you are doing, be strengthened in Me.
Your very life shall be lived for My glory.
Is that not enough?
To My Beloved
I have sent this letter to you, because I love you.
I shed My blood for you to make you spotless.
You are brand new now in your spirit, believe it is true.
You are lovely in My eyes.
I created you to be you, there is no one like you.
Please don’t criticize or get down on yourself for not being perfect in your own eyes, for I love you and want you just as you are.
Trust Me, one step, one day at a time and I will change you into My likeness.
Come dwell in My power and My unconditional love.
Be free. . . be yourself.
Don’t allow other people to make your decisions for you.
I will guide you if you let Me.
Be aware of My presence in everything.
I will teach you to be patient, and how to love like I love.
And what being humble, really means.
I will show you how to be faithful to Me,
And how to be kind and loving to others while you do that,
For I have set you apart for this very purpose.
I will give you My joy, and My perfect peace.
I will teach you how to overcome your flesh so it wont interfere with you walk with me.
Look to Me for all your answers for I am your Shepherd,
And I will not fail you.
Follow Me only. Listen and I will tell you My will.
Be not concerned for yourself for you are My responsibility!
I can and I will sometimes change you with out you hardly even noticing it.
You are to love yourself and others with the same kind of love I love you with,
No conditions attached.
This kind of love is incorruptible and powerful.
Take your eyes off yourself and look to Me.
I lead, I change, and I make things happen, but not when you are trying to.
I wont fight the effort.
You are Mine.
Let Me have the joy of making you like Me.
Let Me love you.
Do you see? You are not your own!
You have been bought with My blood and now you belong to Me.
I love you, do not struggle so, be relaxed in My love.
I know what is best for you, and will give it to you anytime you ask.
Stop trying to be who you are not, and let Me show you who you really are in Me.
My will for you is perfect, and My love is sufficient.
I will supply all your needs according to My good pleasure not yours.
Look to Me, My beautiful child and I will pour out My love and My anointing on
You so that you can fulfill the desires of your heart.
I know what they are because I put them there, waiting for you to mature in them.
Do not fear for I am with you always, I will never leave you or forsake you, ever!!!
Be still and get to know Me,
Let Me dwell in you richly so that you can love Me for who I am and not who you think I am,
Then others will see My glory manifest in you, and hunger after righteousness in
Me too, for this will bring glory to My name.
I drew you to Myself because I delight in you and want you to be My bride.
You gave Me much pleasure when you said, “Yes” to Me, and now as your
covenant friend and loving bridegroom let Me fill your life to overflowing in Me
so others can be saved too.
I don’t desire that any should parish!
Come My beloved and dine with Me and I will show you
the secrets of My covenant!
Forever yours, Jesus
A Bethal music video
Warrior For The Lord!!!!