David A Man After God’s Own Heart
David was empowered and then assigned by the Lord of Host to take down a giant named Goliath who came defying God’s own people as they gathered in battle against the Philistines.
“You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of the children of God whom you have defiled.” 1 Samuel 17:45-54, Isaiah 54:17, Ephesians 6:11-20, 2 Chronicles 16:9
David didn’t walk he ran towards Goliath in confident trust because he knew his God intimately, and knew that God had commanded Israel to remove the giants from their land so in obedience he struck the giant in the forehead with the stone of rebuke along with the word of the Lord. It was God’s spoken word that controlled the stone that took Goliath down leaving David with the job of cutting off Goliath’s head with his own sword then raising it up for all to see what the Lord empowered him to do.
David showed us we have nothing to fear when we are obedient to the Lord’s command by taking action with the Word of God against our enemies, the Lord will always back up His Word.
I bring you another similar picture. God has called many of us to come now as warriors on assignment for such a time as this, confident in our Lord who dwells in us. We know our God and we know He hates divorce and wants this giant defying His Holy Name removed from His people because this curse has caused a breach in the covenant wall that surrounds His people through their selling out and opening the door for Satan to walk right in with his lying spirits of divorce and remarriage that has come upon our land with a vengeance. These evil spirits are working hard trying to destroy God’s image of faithfulness to our little ones who are looking to see if their God is powerful enough and still loves them despite what their parents are doing. They watch their mothers and fathers, and leaders in their churches, God’s own people turning away from God and His ways and are now following after the world instead. This often brings them to wrath at God, their parents, and their leader for not doing anything to save their family and they now see the devil as more powerful. Why do the leaders wonder why the youth today no longer want to join in the games they are playing when they see no power in the house of God anymore.
Where is this God of Elijah’s they ask, who will turn the heart of the fathers to their children, and the heart of the children to their fathers so God can break this curse off our land.
God’s ways are so much higher than our ways, it takes our broken lives and our sincere desire to turn back to our God in humble submission so we are able to discern His will in all this pain we are in before He will lend and ear. But only those who fear God will turn back to Him and His ways and listen to the heart of God then shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings on their behalf. We must corporately repent of our wicked and adulterous ways, and turn back again to the God who created us for His glory to be known through us as He pleases not as we please. He is God after all and we are not. He makes the rules and we follow. He said, “Let not man put asunder what God has joined together.” We realize all cannot receive this saying of the Lord, save those to whom it is given. Those who fear God will humbly listen and turn back for God’s kingdom sake and the sake of their little ones and God will show himself strong on their behalf.
As ambassador’s of the Lord we come in the Spirit of Reconciliation saying loudly, as blowing a trumpet to get your attention as watchmen on this broken wall, “The Lord rebukes you Satan and your evil spirits that has come in with your lies and your courts of man made laws, think again! We run towards you in the power of the Name of Our Lord God almighty who lives in us, and we say this weapon you formed against us will not prosper, and every tongue raised against us in judgment we will personally condemn because we know our inheritance as servants of the Lord, our righteousness is in the blood of Christ not in ourselves so we cannot boast. We fear no man, but God alone.”
We have taken an axe to this root of bitterness cutting it off by forgiving the ones who have offended and wounded us so God can forgive us for the wounds of offense we inflicted on others, we watch now as the Lord of Host goes before us in an all consuming fire burning up all the dross. This battle belongs to the Lord. We stand fast in His Holy Name and His glory as we watch His promises come to pass so our children can believe again in a powerful loving God. He strengthens us for battle so we can stand strong in the Lord and refuse to give ground to the enemy, we fight the good fight for the kingdom of God so He will get the glory through us who are called to fight in this good fight!!!
Jeremiah 6:14-30, Malachi 4:2-3 and 5-6, John 14:12-18, John 15:12-19, Mark 10:27, Matthew 19:6, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, Mark 10:10-12, Jeremiah 6:16-21
Thank You God for loving us so much and are so patient with us who live in this adulterous generation calling us to open our eyes and ears so You can soften our hard hearts and turn us around and bring us back on to His ancient path of righteousness where the good way is so we can find rest for our souls.
by Marilyn Cavar, standing strong in battle with the Lord God almighty